Drone Practice Exam Portal

RPAS Advanced Exam

Chapter: 1

Question 1: Which class of airspace is uncontrolled

Class D
Class B
Class F
Class G

Chapter: 1

Question 2: Under topic 901.07, within how many days must a written notice be submitted in the event the aircraft is destroyed/lost/decommissioned?


Chapter: 1

Question 3: Indicate how the use of night vision goggles (NVGs) is prescribed in relation to detect and avoid capabilities

They can be used if the RPA is not equipped with lights
They can be used by a visual observer and pilot
They can be used by one of the crew members only
They do not provide an acceptable solution to provide detect and avoid capability unless there is another means of detecting all light in the visual spectrum.

Chapter: 1

Question 4: What is the range the weight of an RPA must be within for a basic and advanced certified pilot to operate it legally?

1 kg - 25 kg
5 kg to 25 kg
250 g to 25 kg
500g to 25 kg

Chapter: 1

Question 5: Which of the following is not a subject matter found in TP15623

Air law
Human factors

Chapter: 1

Question 6: What is the frequency to use when none are presented


Chapter: 1

Question 7: Indicate the radius of how many nautical miles from the center of a controlled airport, can the control zones extend

1, 3, or 5 NM
10, 12 or 15 NM
4, 5, or 6 NM
5, 7, or 10 NM

Chapter: 1

Question 8: Aircraft must not fly over parks, reserves and refuges within … feet above ground level.


Chapter: 1

Question 9: State the minimum visibility required to operate an RPA in controlled airspace

The weather must be good enough to keep the RPA in sight at all times
1 statute mile
2 statute miles
3 statute miles

Chapter: 1

Question 10: When can aircraft share the same airspace?

When given permission to
When there are less than 3 aircraft in the same airspace

Chapter: 2

Question 11: From the statements below, select the one that represents a risk of compass error for a small RPA

The compass is installed upside down on the aircraft so as to not “see” the sky
The line of faith of the compass is aligned with the transverse axis of the RPA
The compass is installed within 40 cm of the LiPo battery
The compass is installed on a plexiglass structure

Chapter: 2

Question 12: Which component is not part of an RPAS ground control system

An autopilot
A power source
A GPS beacon
A combination transmitter/receiver

Chapter: 2

Question 13: In very cold weather, the altimeter

Overestimate its measurement
It will give the exact value
Will underestimate altitude
Will indicate 0 feet once on the ground

Chapter: 2

Question 14: An autopilot system will react to … changes to keep the small RPA in proper trim.

Vertical force
Wind shear
Centrifugal force
Longitudinal force

Chapter: 2

Question 15: Detect and Avoid is defined as …

The term used by RPAS operators to sense and avoid lawful authority or detection
The capability to see, sense, or detect conflicting wildlife hazards and to take appropriate action
The capability to see, sense or detect conflicting motor vehicle traffic or other hazards and to take appropriate action
The capability to see, sense or detect conflicting air traffic or other hazards and to take appropriate action

Chapter: 3

Question 16: What is the purpose of crew resource management (CRM) in RPAS operations?

To manage the storage and distribution of RPAS payloads
To allocate resources effectively during an RPAS mission
To enhance communication between the Remote Pilot and air traffic control
To improve teamwork and decision-making in the RPAS operation

Chapter: 3

Question 17: Hyperventilation is a condition where

The level of carbon monoxide in the blood exceeds normal
The level of oxygen in the blood drops below normal
The level of carbon dioxide in the blood exceeds normal
The level of carbon dioxide in the blood drops below normal

Chapter: 3

Question 18: As a Remote Pilot, you notice that the RPAS control interface has a software glitch, affecting its responsiveness. What is the most appropriate action to take?

Continue the flight and report the issue after landing
Restart the RPAS immediately and continue the flight
Modify the flight path to avoid populated areas
Suspend the flight and troubleshoot the issue before resuming

Chapter: 3

Question 19: What does the M stand for in the IM SAFE checklist?


Chapter: 3

Question 20: Why is it essential for a Remote Pilot to engage in regular training and proficiency checks?

To maintain the RPAS's manufacturer warranty
To meet regulatory requirements for RPAS operation
To impress potential clients with the pilot's skills
To reduce the insurance premium for the RPAS

Chapter: 3

Question 21: What is the term used to describe a state of mental or physical fatigue that can degrade a Remote Pilot's performance during an RPAS flight?

Altitude sickness

Chapter: 3

Question 22: Which of the following statements is true regarding the role of stress in RPAS operations?

Stress is always detrimental and should be avoided at all costs
Moderate levels of stress can enhance performance and situational awareness
Stress has no impact on a Remote Pilot's decision-making abilities
Stress is only a concern during long-haul RPAS flights

Chapter: 3

Question 23: Human factors play a crucial role in aviation safety. What is the main goal of studying human factors in RPAS operations?

To increase the maximum allowable payload of an RPAS
To reduce the overall cost of RPAS maintenance
To enhance the performance and safety of RPAS operations
To develop advanced RPAS technology

Chapter: 4

Question 24: An abrupt change in wind direction and wind speed is known as …

Eddie Current
Wind shear
Katabatic lift
Venturi effect

Chapter: 4

Question 25: What is radiation fog?

Fog from radiation leaks in power plants
Ground level fog caused from nighttime radiation cooling
Fog caused by evaporation and increased moisture
Ground level fog, thicker than advection fog

Chapter: 4

Question 26: As the temperature of air increases, what is the effect on the humidity?

The air is able to hold more water vapour and the relative humidity drops
The air is able to hold more water vapour and the relative humidity increases
The air is able to hold less water vapour and the relative humidity drops
The air is able to hold less water vapour and the relative humidity increases

Chapter: 4

Question 27: With the progression of the following clouds, determine the front: cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus and nimbostratus

Stationary front
Occluded front
Warm front
Cold front

Chapter: 4

Question 28: The transition of a thunderstorm from the cumulus stage to the mature stage is normally marked by the

Movement of the thunderstorm
The onset of precipitation
The presence of roll clouds
The onset of a land breeze

Chapter: 4

Question 29: Between the cold front and warm front, what is the section known as?

Ambient Sector
Transition Sector
Warm Sector
Cold Sector

Chapter: 4

Question 30: As altitude increases, what happens to air pressure?

It increases
It decreases
It stays the same

Chapter: 5

Question 31: Pilots in command of a small remotely polluted aircraft wishing to enter class D airspace must

Establish two-way communication with ATC prior to entering the airspace
Avoid collision with volant animals
Get permission from airport security
Broadcast their intentions to local air traffic control

Chapter: 5

Question 32: The "bearing" between two points on the ground refers to:

The horizontal angle between the points measured clockwise from north.
The vertical angle between the points measured from the horizon.
The distance between the points on the ground.
The speed of the RPAS while flying between the points.

Chapter: 5

Question 33: What does the acronym "NOTAM" stand for in aviation?

Notice to Aircrew and Traffic
Notice to Aircraft and Transport
Notice to Airmen
Notice of Aviation Traffic and Meteorology

Chapter: 5

Question 34: Which instrument would you use to measure the rate of climb or descent of an RPAS during flight?

Airspeed indicator
Turn coordinator
Vertical speed indicator

Chapter: 5

Question 35: To calculate the groundspeed of an RPAS, you need to know the:

True airspeed and wind direction.
Ground distance covered and true heading.
Altitude and true heading.
Ground distance covered and time taken.

Chapter: 6

Question 36: When shall flight control locks on a small RPA be utilized?

Be engaged at all times to reduce the risk of accidents
Only be used in the cruise portion of the flight profile
Never be engaged in order to reduce the risk of accidents
Only be used if the fight control lock is incapable of becoming engaged when the RPA is being operated.

Chapter: 6

Question 37: State one of the consequences that low-level aircraft flying near herds of reindeer or caribou can have.

It may provide entertainment to the animals
It may prevent the animals from sleeping
It may cause the animals to be frightened, hurt themselves
There will be no negative effects on the animals

Chapter: 6

Question 38: At what times of the day a METAR will be broadcast

12:00 AM, 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 6:00 PM
Every hour, on the hour
0000z, 12000z
At any time requested

Chapter: 6

Question 39: In the following situations, select the correct response as an RPA pilot. A client’s expectations do not align with the flight parameters and safety standards as a region of the flight path is near an aerodrome, yet they are still adamant about the flight proceeding and are willing to pay an additional fee.

Proceed with the flight according to the client’s expectations
Refuse to operate the flight unless it is in accordance with safety regulations, clearance is granted and proper paperwork is submitted
Proceed with the flight in accordance with regulations which are regularly enforced, and deemed critical
Refuse to fly near the aerodrome but still fly the rest of the flight planned.

Chapter: 6

Question 40: What is the average time at a meridian

Local Mean Time
Normal Time
Mean Time
World Time

Chapter: 6

Question 41: If UTC time is Mountain Standard Time plus 7 hours, then 12:00 UTC equals

5:00 Mountain Standard Time
17:00 Mountain Standard Time
19:00 Mountain Standard Time
7:00 Mountain Standard Time

Chapter: 6

Question 42: What does AWOS stand for

Automated weather objective system
Automated welfare observation system
Automated weather observation system
Automated welfare objective system

Chapter: 7

Question 43: Identify the most accurate statement regarding lift and drag

The lift to drag ratio reaches its maximum point at an angle of attack of 0 degrees
The lift must be slightly lower than the drag to fly
The lift must be equal to the drag for maximum efficiency
The lift/drag ratio must be 0 for maximum efficiency and lift

Chapter: 7

Question 44: The air breaks into a series of eddies when in contact with the ground, a phenomenon called …

Wind shear
Thermal turbulence
Mechanical Turbulence

Chapter: 7

Question 45: Indicate the phenomenon caused by the ground effect

Increases parasite drage
Increases the speed of the aircraft and tailwind
Reduced induced drag
Increases air resistance, reduces headwind

Chapter: 7

Question 46: Where is the region of lower air pressure on an aerofoil?

On top of the aerofoil
Beneath the aerofoil
In front of the aerofoil
Behind the aerofoil

Chapter: 8

Question 47: What are ground waves

Waves that travel along the surface of the Earth
Waves that travel under the surface of the Earth
Waves that travel both under and along the surface of the Earth
Waves that travel away from the ground

Chapter: 8

Question 48: What are the benefits of Single Side Band signals?

Longer Travel Distance
Less weight
Can travel at higher altitudes

Chapter: 8

Question 49: Which electronic component is commonly used as an amplifier in radio frequency circuits?


Chapter: 8

Question 50: When referring to radio frequencies, what does "MHz" stand for?
