Drone Practice Exam Portal

Small RPAS Basic Exam

Chapter: 1

Question 1: When are you able to fly through restricted airspace?

Obtain permission through a user agency
If you are in the airspace for less than 1 minute
If you are flying at 3000 ft with no other indications

Chapter: 1

Question 2: Under topic 901.07, within how many days must a written notice be submitted in the event the aircraft is destroyed/lost/decommissioned?


Chapter: 1

Question 3: What is the range the weight of an RPA must be within for a basic and advanced certified pilot to operate it legally?

1 kg - 25 kg
5 kg to 25 kg
250 g to 25 kg
500g to 25 kg

Chapter: 1

Question 4: Within an advisory Airspace, what is the symbol designated for aircraft flight testing


Chapter: 1

Question 5: True or False: Communication between observers and the pilot must be clear, reliable and constant


Chapter: 1

Question 6: True or False: No pilot shall operate an RPA that transports or carries a living creature


Chapter: 1

Question 7: What is the designation for CYR-XXX

Restricted Airspace
Advisory Airspace
Uncontrolled Airspace
Controlled Airspace

Chapter: 1

Question 8: True or False: No individual is permitted to be the registered owner of an RPAS until they are 14 years of age


Chapter: 1

Question 9: Where do Control Zones start?

Ground Level
300 meters Above Sea Level
100 meters Above Ground level
100 meters above Sea Level

Chapter: 1

Question 10: What age must you be to obtain a basic and advanced license

14, 18
14, 16
14, 17
16, 18

Chapter: 1

Question 11: When shall a pilot of an RPAS give the right of way?

Never, as the RPAS always has the right of way
Only to power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft
To power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, airships, gliders and balloons at all times
Only to other RPAS

Chapter: 1

Question 12: In Canada Domestic Airspace, how many letter classifications are there?


Chapter: 1

Question 13: What statement best describes the criteria which must be completed to obtain an RPAS Basic Certificate?

Completing a multiple choice test online as well as a flight review
Completing a multiple-choice test online and meeting the age requirement
Filling out an online form
Attending a fight school which issues a third-party certificate

Chapter: 1

Question 14: Which class of airspace is uncontrolled

Class D
Class B
Class F
Class G

Chapter: 2

Question 15: True or False: UAVs have two main components, airborne systems and vehicle systems


Chapter: 2

Question 16: Which of the following statements is not a system where multiple fail-safes are vital for a UAV

Power Source
Observation Recording

Chapter: 3

Question 17: What is the term used to describe a state of mental or physical fatigue that can degrade a Remote Pilot's performance during an RPAS flight?

Altitude sickness

Chapter: 3

Question 18: True or false: The I in the IM SAFE checklist stands for Illness


Chapter: 4

Question 19: What type of clouds indicate rain?


Chapter: 4

Question 20: What is a dew point?

The tip of dew
The temperature point of which dew forms
The maximum temperature of which dew stays
The point of which dew dissipates

Chapter: 5

Question 21: The "bearing" between two points on the ground refers to:

The horizontal angle between the points measured clockwise from north.
The vertical angle between the points measured from the horizon.
The distance between the points on the ground.
The speed of the RPAS while flying between the points.

Chapter: 5

Question 22: During a flight, the RPAS receives a wind advisory indicating a headwind. How will this affect the groundspeed and fuel consumption?

Groundspeed will increase, and fuel consumption will decrease.
Groundspeed will increase, and fuel consumption will increase.
Groundspeed will decrease, and fuel consumption will decrease.
Groundspeed will decrease, and fuel consumption will increase.

Chapter: 5

Question 23: True or False: Longitude measures the horizontal, east to west axis


Chapter: 5

Question 24: What one of the statements is not a part of the three main aviation charts needed to plan RPAS operations?

VFR navigation charts
VFR meteorological report
VFR terminal report
Canada flight supplement

Chapter: 6

Question 25: True or False: Emergency procedures are a critical step in flight planning


Chapter: 6

Question 26: What does TAF stand for

Terminal alert failure
Terminal area forecast
Testing alert failure
Testing area forecast

Chapter: 6

Question 27: How does an individual issue NOTAMs?

Contact the FIC or FSS
Contact Transport Canada
Contact the FAA
Contact the local ATC through radio

Chapter: 6

Question 28: What weather conditions should a Remote Pilot be particularly cautious about during RPAS operations?

High winds and heavy rain
Calm weather with clear skies
Overcast conditions with light drizzle
Snowy conditions with reduced visibility

Chapter: 6

Question 29: What does AWOS stand for

Automated weather objective system
Automated welfare observation system
Automated weather observation system
Automated welfare objective system

Chapter: 7

Question 30: Which of the following factors will NOT reduce the lift output?

Lower air density
Higher air temperature
Higher Humidity
Increased Velocity

Chapter: 7

Question 31: How can you reduce parasite drag?

Smoothen connection points between parts of the aircraft
Increase speed
Decrease speed
Not possible

Chapter: 8

Question 32: What are ground waves

Waves that travel along the surface of the Earth
Waves that travel under the surface of the Earth
Waves that travel both under and along the surface of the Earth
Waves that travel away from the ground

Chapter: 8

Question 33: What does the term "VHF" stand for in radio communication?

Very High Frequency
Very High-Altitude Flight
Variable Horizontal Flight
Visual Height Finder

Chapter: 8

Question 34: Which frequency of radio waves is untransmittable through sky waves

Low frequency
Medium frequency
High frequency
Ultrahigh frequency

Chapter: 8

Question 35: What are the benefits of Single Side Band signals?

Longer Travel Distance
Less weight
Can travel at higher altitudes