Transport Canada RPAS Exam Breakdown

In order to receive basic and advanced certification for RPAS’, a multiple choice exam is performed online through Transport Canada. For both basic and advanced examinations, eight topics are covered to ensure proficiency for the different use applications of advanced and basic certified RPA pilots. Although the advanced test is much more comprehensive, the tests are separated into the same 8 categories.

Tested Categories:

  1. Canadian Aviation and Airspace Regulations
  2. RPAS Airframes, power plants, propulsion and systems
  3. Human Factors
  4. Meteorology
  5. Navigation
  6. Flight Operations
  7. Theory of Flight
  8. Radiotelephony

What does AUAV provide?

The vast quantity of aviation and RPA knowledge examined as well as the lacklustre study resources from Transport Canada and external providers place students in a predicament. It is for this reason we have created our proprietary exam training website. The mock exams have been curated by our professionals. With the choice of advanced and basic practice exams, individuals can determine the scope and difficulty of their mock exams.

What is the difference between the Advanced and Basic Exams?

The basic and advanced tests differ in terms of the number of questions, the passing mark required, the questions in each section and the time allocation. The advanced test is composed of fifty questions compared to the basic exam’s thirty-five, the passing mark for the written basic exam is 65% compared to 80% and the time limit for the advanced exam is one hour while the limit for the basic test is one and a half.

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